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MKECommonCouncil01Milwaukee media has gotten the message that the Milwaukee Common Council is the "most diverse" in history.  They are right if you take a physical look at the makeup of the council.  But I question since when does skin color, sex or sexual orientation make a group of diverse in matters that really make a difference?

What about their political affiliation?  How about where they stand on the political spectrum, liberal or conservative?  You will never see that comparison unless the Republicans control the legislature. I had this same discussion with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel when they claimed a growing diversity.  Needless to say the conversation went nowhere.

For the records, as far as I know, all the common council members are Democrats and all are liberals, with maybe Scott Spiker being the most common sense-filled member.  He will actually look at issues and decide what is the way forward.

Maybe the common council needs to redraw their districts so that some of them are conservative-leaning, you know the whole fair maps things for the city.  Not gonna happen, but it's a nice thought.

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