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KimberlyZapata01Former Milwaukee deputy director of the Milwaukee Election Commission was found guilty by a jury of three misdemeanor counts of election fraud and one felony count of misconduct in office.  She was sentenced to 12 months probation (which includes 120 hours of community service) and a $3,000 fine by Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Kori Ashley.  Her attorney Daniel Adams argued she was a whistleblower and not someone who violated the public trust and further damaged the integrity of the Milwaukee Election Commission.  He is planning on appealing the case.

If the Judicial system is concerned about cleaning up the election process, as it should, it needs to be serious in the punishment it hands down for election/voting shenanigans.  Judge Ashley got it wrong and sadly we will all forget about it when her election to the bench comes up in 2027. 

A similar case will be coming up soon as Harry Wait, the president of HOT (Honest, Open and Transparent Government), will be in front of a judge on August 16 for two counts of unauthorized use of an individual's personal information and two counts of election fraud.  The cases are similar and it will be interesting to see how Wait's case plays out and what if any penalty he will receive. 

I do find it odd that someone who claims to want Honest, Open and Transparent Government would resort to breaking the law to accomplish that goal.  The Anti-Vos idiocy is strong with this one.

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Mine honour is my life; both grow in one; take honour from me and my life is done. - Shakespeare

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