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Right Wing Zealot Election Deniers Beware What You Ask
At the Wisconsin GOP Convention delegates passed a non-binding resolution that called for the impeachment of Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe.  Previous attempts to do this have gone nowhere.  The Wisconsin Election Commission did not have the four votes to reappoint Wolfe, so she can continue in her position until an administrator is appointed by the WEC.  The Supreme Court ruled last year that Frederick Prehn could remain on the Natural Resources Board beyond the expiration of his term.  What comes around goes around.

In Milwaukee, Mayor Chevy Johnson replaced Milwaukee Election Commission Executive Director Claire Woodall with Paulina Gutierrez.  Other than the odd timing and lack of experience of Gutierrez it looks like a great choice by the puppet strings pulling of the Democratic Party and Mayor Johnson.
 PaulinaGutirrez  ChevyJohnsonElectionChief01
To solve the problem of appointees overstaying their welcome, the legislature should revisit the laws they have in place concerning government appointees.  My suggestion is to set a time limit for the governing body, including the Governor, to appoint someone to an upcoming vacancy and for the State Senate to vote on the appointment in a timely fashion, like maybe a month.  This can be a win/win/win for the state in that those whose job it is to complete commissions, and the legislature both do their jobs and the citizens of Wisconsin don't have to put up this consistent nonsense.

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No smile is so beautiful as the one that struggles through tears

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Butler, WI  53007