Nathaniel P. Tallmadge - 3rd WI Territorial Governor - Birthday

  Saturday, February 08, 2025

Nathaniel P. Tallmadge01Nathaniel P. Tallmadge
Territorial Governor of WI June 21, 1844 – April 8, 1845

Jacksonian Democrat - 1833-1838
Conservative - 1838-1839

Whig - 1839-1841

    Photo by Matthew Brady - Public Domain



All Dates

  • Thursday, February 08, 2029
  • Tuesday, February 08, 2028
  • Monday, February 08, 2027
  • Sunday, February 08, 2026
  • Saturday, February 08, 2025

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Positive Words

Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words. * St. Francis of Assisi

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Change MKE
PO Box 141
Butler, WI  53007