State of Wisconsin Elected Offices

visit the State of Wisconsin Website
* indicates the incumbent is not seeking re-election.
Office Name Party Length
of Term
Fall or
 President / Vice President
Joe Biden / Kamala Harris Dem 4 Fall 2024
U.S. Senator
Tammy Baldwin
Dem 4 Fall 2024
U.S. Senator
Ron Johnson
Rep 4 Fall 2028
U.S. Congress District 1
Bryan Steil
 Rep 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 2
Mark Pocan Dem 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 3
Derrick Van Orden Rep 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 4
Gwen Moore
Rep 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 5
Scott Fitzgerald
Rep 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 6
Glenn Grothnman Rep 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 7
Tom Tiffany
Rep 2 Fall 2024
U.S. Congress District 8
Mike Galagher  *
Rep 2 Fall 2024

Positive Words

Does thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin

Contact Information

Change MKE
PO Box 141
Butler, WI  53007